
Why a notes site?

Over many years of working, I have collected a lot of notes on how I tried to solve particular challenges.

I often benefited from the notes of others, especially when dealing with technical issues (often dealing with very specific version or variation of software or hardware).

I have also developed my own way of working, with my own tools and processes. Again, inspired by and learning from methodologies, books, videos, and the wisdom of others.

This notes section is my attempt to share more of my own experiences and insights.

How I organise my notes

I have two main approaches to deal with a wide range of topics at different levels of detail:

  • Components address an area of work. For instance, the documentation system describes how I implemented this notes section, and my approach (technical) documentation in general.

  • Sections and pages answer just one main question or need: "Can you teach me …​?", "How do I …​?", "What is …​?", "Why …​?". More on that will be in the documentation system.

Areas of work


Working on (technical) documentation, including this notes section.

Software development

Working on software and internet products.

(coming soon) Personal notes and knowledge management

Managing private notes, tasks, and work.

(coming soon) Desktop and tools

My desktop environment and devices.

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